Secret Email System Review (Matt Bacak)

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In my opinion, this is the New Book That Reveals How anyone can build a 7-figure Online Business Using this method.
Nothing But Ethical Secret Email System Marketing To Drive Revenue, Sales, and Commissions.
Without Ever Creating a Product, Without Fulfilling Services, Without Running Ads, or Ever Doing Customer Service.  And Best of All Only Working 30 Minutes A Day, All While Automatically Generating Sales 24/7.

The Secret Email System is a counterintuitive approach to creating and running an online business.
Specifically, the freedom lifestyle business model, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long-term business. That will give you freedom, fun, and adventure.

We achieve this. By creating a “business machine” that works for you 24/7 where your only job is to oversee the system. Not to create products or services where you have to chase new clients or deliver to them.
And as a result… This frees you up to live and enjoy your life while the business works for you. This is the Secret Email System.

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SES Book 1

The Secret Email System eBook. The eBook where you learn the whole Secret Email System.10 FREE FAST ACTION BONUSES

Irresistable Offer Video Guide

Bonus #1: Irresistible Offer Video Guide ($97 Value). How to find a pick high converting offers that work.

Secret Email System Checklist

Bonus #2: Secret Email System Checklist ($47 Value). Step-by-step flight checklist that makes sure you implement the system in the right order so you can get results.

3x Formula Calculator

Bonus #3: 3x Formula Calculator ($97 Value). The profit equation I use breaks down subscribers, clicks, and EPC to help you maximize your sales.

2.1 Mill Email Swipe-File 1000 Emails

Bonus #4: 2.1 Mill Email Swipe File (1,000 Emails) ($497 value). My own private email swipe files of 1,000 emails that’s responsible for $2.1 million in sales.

My Secret 357582 Lead Gen Template

Bonus #5: My Secret 357,582 Lead Gen Template ($297 Value). The same exact lead gen template I used to generate 357,582 leads!

10978 New Lead Daily Masterclass

Bonus #6: 10,978 New Leads—Daily Masterclass ($197 value). How to generate high-quality leads each and every day.

Secret Of Millionaire Mind Book

Bonus #7: Secret Of Millionaire Mind Book ($19 Value). 9 Common characteristics of internet millionaires and how to adopt them for your own success.

Gigantic Swipe File

Bonus #8: Gigantic Swipe File Book ($297 value). Words, phrases, sentences, and attention-grabbing headlines that you can use in your emails and for ideas and promotions that trigger leads to open emails which leads to sales.

Free Breakthrough Session

Bonus #9: Free Breakthrough Session With My Team ($97 Value). A free 45-minute strategy session with my team to help you get clarity and figure out how to implement the secret email system.

My Private Facebook Community

Bonus #10: My Private Facebook Community (Priceless). Access to a private group of 20,000+ email marketers where you can learn, share, and network with some of the top email marketers in the world.

As seen on

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Secret Email System…

Dear Future Email Marketer, Surprised to see a $5.60 book on a sales page built to sell a $500 product. thought you might be… Would it surprise you, even more, to learn that I sold over $23,480,824 worth of digital, physical, low-ticket, and high-ticket products & services…


  • Affiliate products
  • Flash Drives
  • CD’s
  • Books
  • House
  • $20,000 Coaching Programs
  • Strategy Sessions
  • T-Shirts & Hats
  • Mobile Apps
  • Software
  • Audio Courses
  • $15-$50k Masterminds
  • Domain Names
  • Clicks
  • Promotional Mailings
  • Home Study Courses
  • Group Coaching
  • Virtual Events
  • Live Events
  • Interviews
  • Hand Written Notes

I sold all that using the same email marketing system which this new $5.60 book reveals. After all, you can’t believe everything you read online 🙂 

But first, read this disclosure:

It took me 3 years and $65,000 of trial and error to figure out everything to the point where it just works, and you being completely new to this – can still fail, because even though you’re taking the exact system I developed; if you do not apply it, you will still not get results.

The only time you can and will get results with this system is once you implement it. And once it’s up and running – it only requires about 30 minutes a day to operate. 15 minutes in the morning to send the emails and 15 minutes at night to send the emails.

What you do in between is up to you.

Typically, I just check sales like these in between:

Which Turns Into This…

Monthly sales totals

And This…

And This…

Simply By Just Email Marketing To These Subscribers On My List


The same secret email system that individuals all over the world are now using to generate leads, prospects, sales, customers, and clients for everything from digital products, physical products, low ticket sales, to high ticket sales, to fill seminars and book out webinars. To sell books, nutritional supplements, and even consulting services.

And in turn, generating more revenue than they ever thought possible – all while no longer relying on paid and often times expensive and highly unpredictable advertising that’s never sustainable. This is causing most of these online business owners to fully switch to the new way of growing their online revenue on autopilot – working only a few hours a day using the power of email marketing.

Devon ended up wasting so much money on useless money-making programs that didn’t deliver any results, that a couple of years later, he had to file for bankruptcy. At that point, in an attempt to make ends meet, Devon started working as a taekwondo teacher and car salesman. The vast majority of the money he made through those 2 jobs, he invested in various business opportunities, hoping that he’d eventually catch a break and become a successful entrepreneur.

However, he kept failing and failing…Nonetheless, despite all his failures, Devon didn’t quit and eventually got his big break…After showing him what I do and how I do things he started building a digital email business that now creates multiple six figures every single year.

I managed to unearth one of his ClickBank accounts:

As you can see, there are instances where he generates up to almost $1000 per day! The best part? It’s not the money. It’s the fact that he didn’t have to do it the hard way – it was done the new way. And Devon Brown isn’t the only one either…

…Selling other people’s high-ticket products and earning up to $500-$5,000 / a sale. First, one of the things that most people don’t know is that the fastest way to make a million is to sell higher-ticket products.
Which is why one of the greatest things about what I will share with you in this ebook and exactly what I told Anthony McCarthy. You don’t have to sell low-ticket things, you can sell big-ticket items too! With the information in this ebook and those words above he ended up breaking $100,000 in one month.

Here’s an email from him that just came in…

But it gets better than that because just a few minutes ago he sent me this…

Here’s another Secret Email System owner who started using these strategies…

Let me tell you a little about Roberto. He started in 2003. In fact, in 2003, after he got started and got frustrated because he wasn’t as successful as he wanted to be so he decided to put his focus back on his job. In September 2019, Roberto made a decision and said to himself, “I’m just going to make this thing work no matter what.” Using the strategies, I’m going to tell you inside this ebook he ended up finally making it all work.

Now, he’s built a list of thousands of subscribers, new subscribers coming in every single day right now. In fact, right at this very moment, he’s on top of a leaderboard beating some of the biggest names marketers in the marketplace. It’s absolutely insane how fast he did things when he finally decided to take my advice and make it all work and just the other day he made over $1,600 in just 2 hours.
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Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
This Secret Email System is unlike any method you heard of before…

  • We don’t focus on free traffic strategies – because the reality is NOTHING is free and usually when something is FREE, the payment in the end is a lot bigger.
  • We don’t focus on Facebook, Google, or YouTube Ads – because the algorithm changes weekly and sometimes daily – making it near impossible to build a long-term sustainable business.
  • We don’t focus on creating our own products or services – because creating the product first is a surefire way to fail. How do you know anyone is going to buy your product in the first place?
  • We don’t focus on building blogs, Instagram, Snapchat, or any type of social media – because anyone, anywhere at any time can do it which means if it’s easily done, then it’s not valuable or sustainable.
  • We don’t do any content marketing – because content is useless without selling something. Who wants to create content for likes, followers, or freebie seekers

In fact: we rarely do anything that doesn’t make us money.

Like I said… This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…and I know that’s true…Because it changed everything for me.

  • Like having to manage 3 companies and 157 employees…
  • Like having to go to work every single day and wonder where the next sales are coming from to cover our overhead…
  • Like having to constantly create and sell new products and services – not knowing which are going to work and which won’t…
  • Like having to fight advertising networks like Google, Facebook, and YouTube to get the customers that we needed…
  • Like having to pay $30,000+ a month in overhead to support the business…like web hosting, software, phone services, office rent, etc…
  • Just like you or anyone else who’s ever tried to create a successful business online.

We have a saying in Peachtree City, Georgia… We work to live. Not live to work. So with that in mind… Here’s what most digital businesses look like (and If you’ve ever ran an online business then I’m sure you can relate)… I call this the “Online Business Road To Disaster”:

  • Step 1 – Go out and create a product.
  • Step 2 – Create a branding page – something that’s going to brand you or your company
  • Step 3 – Create a blog – one of the things that worked 10 years ago. Blogging is on the decline. Even Buzzsumo revealed that content marketing is less effective than it was 3 years ago and it’s still trending down.
  • Step 4 – Create a sales page. Now most people are telling you to do this because they’re trying to sell you sales pages (usually using their software to do it).
  • Step 5 – Create an upsell page – you know that software they want you to buy? That’ll help you make that happen.

  • Step 6 – Create a members area – because usually, the software is going to create it for you as well.
  • Step 7 – Go out, spend money on advertising, and hope and pray that your product will sell.
  • Step 8 – If you’re one of the lucky ones to get sales, then you’ll have to go out and do customer support.
  • Step 9 – Prospect deflects with something along the lines of “just need to discuss with my team”
  • Step 10 – Repeat step 8 and 9 a few times
  • Step 11 – The whole thing fizzles out, and tens of hours end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere
  • Step 12 – Start over

The Online Business Road To Disaster not only sucks, but keeps most of you stuck by forcing you to spend more money than you ever could earn online – while working your ass off and destroying your dreams.

After working with 1,200 people to help them use this system. I see most on the verge of giving up on the whole idea of having a successful online business. And I get it… I mean they could be making more having a cozy 9-5. And that’s why I wrote the Secret Email System book. I wanted to try something.
Something that – if it worked. It would change everything for you and everyone else. But it did take me 3 years and $65,000 to “figure out” and finally perfect it…to the point where my online business runs on total auto-pilot.

Generating 3,000-5,000 brand new customers a month…and in turn, making me $600,000+ / year with only 5 hours a week – while being practically being semi-retired.

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$5.60 (Save $31.40 Today)
Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly.
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But before you do. I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.My life’s pretty good…and I don’t really “have to work” anymore… In fact, I’m partially retired. I have a beautiful wife and three amazing kids. I’m what you consider a very blessed man. Matt Bacak travels the world, enjoys life, and usually spends time on the 290 acres my online business bought me.

As of writing this, I’m currently living in Peachtree, Georgia.

  • I had 3 companies (web hosting, publishing, and real estate).
  • I had a private plane.
  • I had my own pilot.
  • I had a 7,650 sq ft house in a gated community.

I had a life and income that most people only dream of.  And I worked 90 hours a week (sometimes sleeping in the office) to keep it all together. And I hated every minute of it.  So I made a lot of money, $3 million a year, but I didn’t have time to enjoy it. That’s when I realized that making money wasn’t the only goal. It’s also important to take time to enjoy the money you earn. There’s a stupid myth out there.

Well, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. burnout usually happens somewhere in between. And I was the definition of burnout.  And if you’re looking for a company where you can live a life full of freedom, fun, and adventure. where every moment is special, building a big company in your later, better years is not the answer. I know because I tried it, and I gave everything I had, and you know that I did my best. Even if I had it all and took home $3 million a year, it just wasn’t worth it.

I desired more from life, and I disproved that one should “follow the traditional life path.” Because in the present day…and it nearly seems like a nightmare. Rather than managing 150 employees from a desk, overseeing three sizable businesses, and collecting $3 million annually…I’m reviewing my daily sales at 2:30 PM while relaxing in my Peachtree, Georgia home library.

Chatting with friends and writing this copy you’re reading.

I operate my own company, therefore I have total control over my life, schedule, and finances. While I’m not working, the business is. Unlike the majority of other internet business owners, who put in significantly more labor than their companies do, As you can see, the majority of internet companies can’t afford to spend any more time, effort, or money attempting to determine where their future clients are coming from.

In the end, without clients, there would be no sales, which translates into no money and no company. Rather of concentrating on the company, they wish to own. They are concentrating on finding a way to make it to the stage where they like their business. For years, I did this, and it not only made me to the point where I was spending more time working than enjoying the money I did make. Instead of me owning my business – the business owned me.

Since I adore what I do, I don’t truly work. Rather than managing staff, producing goods, attending to customer service, or concentrating on whether or not the advertisements are generating sales, I write an email at eleven in the morning and another at eleven at night. That’s all I do. I use other people’s goods and services to build a list that I send these emails to. 

Since 99% of online businesses are clueless about how to start selling their email leads, we achieve this by building lead feeder websites. Rather than managing staff, producing goods, attending to customer service, or concentrating on whether the advertisements are generating revenue do this by creating lead feeder websites because the truth is – 99% of online businesses don’t even know where to begin when it comes to monetizing their email leads.

So here’s what my business looks like:

The result:

I simply send an email out and all day and all night I get sales.

And the best part…I make money while I get to experience new things with my family. Like last week when I had wild hair to go drive a race car on a dirt track.

The really cool thing is that… If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with an online business that just works right… But it’s much more than that…

It’s Actually A Lifestyle-Building Machine That Generates Cash Every Month, Month After Month, Year After Year…

What number of online plans of action have you seen go back and forth as the years progressed?
Individuals beginning Shopify stores and being bankrupt following 2 months on the grounds that 48 others began selling the very item that was conveying their entire business.

on the other hand others beginning private naming items and selling them on Amazon just to figure out their confidential mark providers are presently contending with them… My web-based business has been alive and profoundly beneficial for quite some time straight.

That is a strong money machine if you were to ask me, Yet the best part is I do whatever it takes not to get too engaged with my business. The “framework” behind it thoroughly takes care of me. Presently, discussing life span and the framework… I will share something somewhat upsetting with you. Here it goes: I’m Overlooking Cash by showing you this. Also, different masters out there are bringing in heaps of cash by showing something contrary to what I educate.

Are you game? Alright.
On the off chance that a master tells you (they all do) that the way to make it with a web-based business is to simply to make an item and run promotions – you ought to be careful. Here’s the reason: Suppose they make an item (which is hard in itself) , Then they need to compose deals duplicate to sell the item. Make extravagant designs. Record, alter, and slash up recordings in an expert setting.

Then bundle everything up and go run promotions on Facebook, Google, or Youtube, And you know what – more often than not it doesn’t work. What number of individuals do you see waiting in different Facebook bunches looking at maintaining a web-based business… And contrast that and what a limited number of really come by results? Not many.
Presently consider this: in the wake of selling $23 million worth of items and administrations on the web – I understood a certain something. I rather produce deals, get compensated, and do nothing else.

It’s just that promoting other people’s products and services is a whole lot easier since you don’t have to do much – except generate the sale. And that’s the difference?

Consider this:
Are they teaching you to create a complex business where you ultimately lack most of the skills to make it work only to make the entire product sound sexy or are they teaching you how to successfully sell things online where you only need to do one thing and one thing only? Which is generate sales.

There’s no hope in that…But here’s what there’s hope in and it’s found in this Secret Email System Book, which explains everything.

So we produce deals and get compensated. They do all the other things and produce deals. So I could tell you the best way to make your own items, compose deals duplicate, run promotions, whatnot, yet actually – you would have no desire to… Because the possibilities of you really doing that are almost zero. Or on the other hand, I could tell you the best way to fabricate a machine that works not on more than one occasion, but rather each and every month – with none of that.

So recollect this: The following time you hear somebody selling you a seminar on the most proficient method to begin, develop, or scale a computerized business. You can fabricate a tranquil way of life business of your dreams. Whether that implies making two or three hundred additional dollars a month the entire way to a 7-figure online business.

Furthermore, when you begin utilizing this mystery email framework, bringing in cash online isn’t something you at any point need to stress over once more – or even ponder. It’s something that the framework accomplishes for you. This is the very thing I believe that you should do now: put your schedule at the present time – set it to about fourteen days from today. Since, supposing that you execute all that I will impart to you in the Mystery Email Framework book, that is the point at which you’ll begin seeing your most memorable deals roll into your business… I promise it.

However, today I know better. Tune in: it doesn’t matter to me how frequently you’ve attempted to bring in cash on the web. I guarantee you this… Anybody can produce online deals with the right model (more on this below)… At last, I believe you should know a certain something.

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

I figured it all out. Which means…there’s nothing for you to “figure out”. Other than that, just to download this book and copy the entire model and most important of all – implement it! That’s it…Because here’s what I came to realize:

Here’s the reason: I previously did all of the difficult work for you. What’s more, that is the distinction here. I’m not saying having your own items and administrations is terrible. What I’m talking about assuming that your objective is opportunity, and having a business with practically no of intricacy.

Having your own items and administrations could really be what’s keeping you away from getting it! Your own items expect you to work a great deal endlessly. Making the items, composing deals duplicate, composing upsells, recording recordings, and so forth… Could you rather awaken to deal warnings or an inbox brimming with client care tickets and Facebook crippling your record?

Deals notice equivalent opportunity. Running your own items approaches more work. Here’s the reason this matters to you..

They typically have 2-4 times higher profit margins than eCommerce. And there is an endlessly hungry and ever-growing audience out there.
Just think about it:

  • How many people actually have an email account they check every single day? Or even multiple times a day?
  • How many companies need more sales? Hundreds of thousands.
  • How many people are actually buying through email? A LOT! I did $23 million in sales using email marketing.
  • How many companies out there are desperate to find new sales avenues that are not crowded? All of them!
  • How many companies out there would line up to pay you 50% to 100% to help them generate sales? Hundreds of thousands including Amazon, eBay, and a few other big ones.

You see, there is an endless list of products & services. Some companies would gladly have you promote for a percentage of sales.

But the one thing I didn’t mention yet about the Email Marketing System. Sets it apart from everything else is that.

All you have to do is find the email leads (Which I’ll show you how to do on page 17). Then you can find products & services to promote to those leads.

I’ve been doing this since 2005 and the truth is this unique sales system has generated over 94,000 customers. In the last 10 years and has sold thousands of books, courses, and affiliate products….

All I do is send the emails, that’s it. Which takes me approximately 30 minutes per day. So most of my work goes to “collecting money”. As you can imagine, having done this since 2005, very unsuccessfully for the first couple of years. And then much more profitably in the later years, I’ve learned exactly how to do this through trial and error.

  • Step 1. Build a list by using other people’s leads that are not being monetized.
  • Step 2: Find and promote products & services that are related to those leads.
  • Step 3: Collect money.
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$5.60 (Save $31.40 Today)
Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
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The Secret Email System is an eBook, but more importantly, it is an approach to online business for the person that seeks freedom from a boss, the ability to live anywhere, and the choice to spend your time on things that you want.

  • pick A Market Where There Is Huge Demand.
  • Pick An Irresistible Offer That Someone Else Created.
  • Irresistible Affiliate Offer, Sign Up For The Program.
  • Buy Your Domain And Make Sure It’s Related To The Irresistible Offer
  • Get An Autoresponder
  • Create Your Opt-in Page To Also Function As A Pre-frame Page To An Irresistible Offer
  • Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page To Build Your List Of Hot And Hungry Subscribers
  • Create A “Welcome Mat” Per The Book

  • Set Up An Autoresponder Sequence To Automatically Mail That Irresistible Offer Out To The New Subscriber Three Times.
  • Pick One of My Top Seven Traffic Sources To Get Subscribers (Or Follow The Instructions In The Ultimate Email Marketing Package)
  • Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page
  • Find An Offer, Mail An Offer
  • Uncover The Motherlode
  • 10x It

We’ll also show you how to turn your business into a machine that can run without you so that if you want to you can actually sell the entire business since it is no longer depending on YOU! If freedom and profit from the internet are what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on h

I understand this is extremely economical and that I’m basically parting with it… And you’re most likely pondering: “In the event that you’re doing so well with this, how could you offer it for close to nothing?”… So there must be a “trick”… And I realize there are a few sites out there that offer you an extraordinary arrangement on something however at that point they stick you in some program that charges your card consistently. This isn’t one of them.

There’s NO covered-up “congruity program” you need to attempt or anything in any way like that. I’m in a real sense giving you this whole book, for $5.60, for “doing my absolute best” and showing genuine worth.

My expectation is that you’ll cherish it and this will be the beginning of a decent business relationship for quite a long time into the future. However, with everything that is expressed, there is ONE thing to remember:
This Won’t Keep going Long.

As a rule… I assume a misfortune while selling the book costs this much. It costs me more than $21.00 in publicizing costs to sell one book. So how could I do that? Basic. I’m making this give with the suggestion that you’ll be extremely dazzled with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll maintain that should do more business with me later on. I’m wagering that you’ll partake in the book so a lot, of you’ll call and request to take extra classes or prepare from me. Really clear. At any rate – with that said, this is all a restricted deal.

You’re Likewise Getting A High-level hour and a half Preparation, Free During this preparation, I’ll walk you through precisely the way that I get up to 10,978 leads per day. You’ll find The #1 Most Significant Email Advertising Condition On the planet How You Can Get Shoppers To Burn through 138% More The ONE THING That Will Get You 320% More Income 11 Brilliant Keys To Email Showcasing Authority The #1 Most Basic Metric With regards to Email Advertising And A whole lot, More…

I’ll try and tell you precisely how to quickly get 320% more cash-flow with every advancement you do. What’s more, there’s no charge for it. I believe you should have this as my gift for looking at the book. In addition, I’m likewise including these 10 astonishing rewards esteemed at $1,645:

  • Bonus #2: Secret Email System Checklist ($47 Value) – Step-by-step flight checklist that makes sure you implement the system in the right order so you can get results.
  • Bonus #3: 3x Formula Calculator ($97 Value) – The profit equation I use that breaks down subscribers, clicks, and EPC to help you maximize your sales.

  • Bonus #4: 2.1 Mill Email Swipe File (1,000 Emails) ($497 value) – My own private email swipe files of 1,000 emails that’s responsible for $2.1 million in sales.
  • Bonus #5: My Secret 357,582 Lead Gen Template ($297 Value)  – The same exact lead gen template I used to generate 357,582 leads!
  • Bonus #6: 10,978 New Leads—Daily Masterclass ($197 value) – How to generate high-quality leads each and every day.

  • Bonus #7: Secret Of Millionaire Mind Book ($19 Value) – 9 Common characteristics of internet millionaires and how to adopt them for your own success.
  • Bonus #8: Gigantic Swipe File Book ($297 value) – Words, phrases, sentences, and attention-grabbing headlines that you can use in your emails and for ideas and promotions that trigger leads to open emails which leads to sales.
  • Bonus #9: Free Breakthrough Session With My Team ($97 Value) – A free 45 minutes strategy session with my team to help you get clarity and figure out how to implement the secret email system.
  • Bonus #10: My Private Facebook Community (Priceless) – Access to a private group of 20,000+ email marketers where you can learn, share and network with some of the top email marketers in the world

I look at that as a genuine mutual benefit…

Likewise, much of the time, I assume a misfortune while selling the book costing this much. It costs me simply more than $21.00 in publicizing costs to sell one book. So how could I do that? Straightforward. I’m making this give with the suggestion that you’ll be exceptionally dazzled with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll believe that should do more business with me later on.
I’m wagering that you’ll partake in the book so a lot, you’ll call and request to take extra classes or preparation stages from me. Really clear. At any rate – with that said, this is all a restricted proposition. You’re Likewise Getting A High level hour and a half Preparation, Free During this preparation, I’ll walk you through precisely what’s attempting to get clients at the present time.

What’s more, there’s no charge for it. I believe you should have this as my gift for looking at the book. Besides I’m likewise including these 10 astounding rewards esteemed at $1,645, Goodness. What’s more, on the off chance that you’re pondering.

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Discover the exact step-by-step process for finding the most profitable (and proven) offers that can instantly generate income for you. (How I built a 7-figure online business…) My top 7 highly lucrative, proven, and profitable online traffic sources (you can start using them today) The #1 most idiotic thing most people do when they get started. (It shocks me how many gurus tell you to do this as they lie through their teeth) The most powerful thing I ever heard when I got started (a billionaire said it to me) – it builds empires and helps you retire in happiness. The 8-letter word that will make sure you can achieve a lot more in both your business and your life. (Even while you sleep)

How to 10x your revenue and profits (all by doing everything in reverse) listening to the sound of your digital cash register. The 7-step process that made me $2.1 million in just one year. (that allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my online business).

The top-secret self-funding subscriber formula (that took me 6 years to refine) – allows you to generate an email list while simultaneously offsetting or completely negating the cost of your advertising. Why focusing on creating a product is one of the biggest mistakes marketers make (and why it will actually kill your sales) – and what to do instead.

The breakthrough 3-X formula will pinpoint exactly what to focus on – and it’s not what you think. The exact technology I use to put my entire business on autopilot (automating almost the entire process) – allows me to only work 2 hours per week if I want. My entire step-by-step digital business process is responsible for $23,480,824 in sales which transforms this into a lifestyle-building machine (this is the core of the Secret Email System).

How to find products you can promote and instantly make money with (this strategy has made businesses millions of dollars and ordinary people millionaires). The little-known strategy I use to get my subscribers whipping out their credit cards (faster than a cheetah chasing its prey).

An amazing site I use to get commission checks every single week (and you too can use this in your very own digital business) – the best part that you don’t even need anyone to approve you at all. The secret effect will provoke more purchases every single time (that means more money for you).

If for some reason you do want to create a product, you’ll discover the way to have the most irresistible offer ever created – even more irresistible than the ones already on the market right now. The one thing that separates you from the people who have success (and the money…that you wish You had). where you can learn, share, and network with some of the top email marketers in the world.

Russel Brunson

Russel Brunson

”There is only 1 marketer that I have personally hired to consult me. I paid him $1,000 for a 1-hour consultation. The consultation happened in December, and from that 1-hour call I directly made over $250k.”

Mark Joyner

Mark Joyner

”Matt Bacak is one of the smartest marketers alive, but who cares, right? What matters to you is that he’s a consummate teacher. He will not blow your mind with complex ideas – he’ll just hold your hand and show you how to make a wad of cash.”

Mike Litman

Mike Litman

”Matt is without a doubt ‘The Powerful Promoter!’ If you want to quickly increase your revenues and line your pockets with money again and again, he’s definitely a must-read, Must-hear, and Must see.”Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this for?

This is for that person who wants to go to your laptop and finally make money online. It is also for the person who wants to build a list of people who want to buy over and over again so you can enjoy it.

  • What is the Secret Email System?

The Secret Email System is a counterintuitive approach to creating and running an online business, specifically the freedom lifestyle business model, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long-term business that gives you freedom, fun, and adventure.

  • I want this, what exactly am I getting?

The Secret Email System offer is a really fabulous offer. We want to make it so good that you’d feel like an idiot if you let it pass you by especially if you want to easily generate an income working a few hours a week. What you will get in this fabulous offer is the Secret Email System ebook and you’ll also get an advanced 90-minute training that will walk you through exactly how I get up to 10,978 leads a day. Plus, on top of all that you’ll get 10 amazing bonuses valued at $1,645.

  • How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Most people teaching this stuff don’t make as much money as me or they have only been around for a few years. The things that I’m going to share with you have all been proven super successful. There is no theory here. Anyone can blatantly copy this method.

It will work for people just starting, people who want to quit their jobs, people who want to retire early, for people who just want to make a lot of money and have their own freedom business. You’ve probably seen this strategy in action several times in one way or another. But I’d venture to guess you haven’t started using it or making it work.

A large number of people have tried to use this method, BUT, Most get it all Wrong. Each of them left out one or more key elements (which I reveal in this book) that make the strategy so effective.

Leave one of these out and at best, you spend WAY TOO MUCH money, and at worst, your whole strategy crumbles into millions of pieces. Make sure you use each of the simple secrets, and you might not be able to keep up with the amount of money flooding into your bank account.

  • Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes, Nothing was held back from writing this however for the people who want further assistance with things I do prove to work, I do have opportunities to add upgrades to your purchase.

  • Is there a guarantee?

Access to a private group of 20,000+ email marketers where you can learn, share and network with some of the top email marketers in the world.

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3-Steps To The Secret Email System

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